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Aim of initiative. The Directive sets out the requirements necessary for a product to obtain the Eco-label. This voluntary scheme - established in 1992 - aims to encourage businesses to raise the environmental performance of their products and services, by offering the ‘flower logo’ label as the EU sign for excellence in ‘green’ performance. Since the current Directive entered into force in 2016, the cyber-threat landscape has been evolving quickly.

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Since the current Directive entered into force in 2016, the cyber-threat landscape has been evolving quickly. The Commission now plans to kick-start the procedure for the revision of the NIS Directive, starting with a public consultation that aims to collect views on its implementation and on the impact of potential future changes. Directive (EU) 2018/851 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (Text with EEA relevance). This Directive introduces the Articles 9(1)(i) and 9(2) related with the SCIP database RoHS Directive (Directive 2011/65/EU on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, recast).

Ulla Mörtbergs publikationer - KTH

Most new machinery is covered by the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (as amended in relation to machinery for applying pesticides by 2009/127/EC).The exceptions are listed at Annex 1 of the Directive (eg certain electrical equipment, etc), or where other EU legislation cover the machinery in question instead of the Machinery Directive. Unfolding the Single- Use Plastics Directive www.zerowasteeurope.eu In May 2019 the EU formally approved a pioneer legislation to curb single-use plastics - and no, it is not just about banning straws.

Eu landscape directive

Ulla Mörtbergs publikationer - KTH

Eu landscape directive

The last significant  1.2 European law, the Waste Framework Directive and the Waste Shipments level of protection in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. 25 Jun 2019 The European Union Disclosure Directive leaves many questions unanswered, but companies can take steps now to mitigate risks. Raise awareness and understanding of the European health data landscape, overall the Directive, and provide that data already available in "open access"  It aims to organise European co-operation on landscape issues. It is not a European Union (EU) Directive. In signing the ELC, the UK committed to upholding its  The EWC landscape on the eve of the transposition deadline of the recast directive 2009/38/EC Evidence from the ETUI database of European Works Councils. The European Landscape Convention - also known as the Florence Convention, - promotes the protection, management and planning of European landscapes  12 Jun 2019 The Council of the European Union adopted a proposal for a Directive on restructuring and insolvency (2016/0359 (COD) on 6 June 2019.

In addition to providing its input to the EU, GRI has published a linkage document between the GRI Standards and the NFRD (download from the 3.4 ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU) The objective of the ATEX ("ATmosphères EXplosibles") Directive (94/9/EC) is to help reduce the risks resulting from the use of certain equipment in, or in relation to, a potentially explosive atmosphere. The revision of EU Directive 414/91, in fact, is aimed at restricting the criteria for the registration of new pesticides and for the introduction of plant protection products on the market. On the other hand, the Water Framework Directive and the Waste Framework Directive are … The EU Whistleblowing Directive: A Summary and Guide for Business.
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On 1 January 2013,  13 Sep 2007 Origin of marine landscape mapping in the Baltic Sea Region Implementation of EU directives, such as the EC Habitats Directive, the EU Wa-. Landscape.

Paper presented at EFLA 20th Anniversary. Brussels 21st November 2009. 14/09/2020 - EU Cyber Forum, Brussels. HR/VP Josep Borrell underlines that cyber issues are geo-political in nature and have a strong security dimension.

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On the application of the Services Directive to concessions of

EPA EU builds on the Europe: a fragmented landscape . were first the Payment Services Directive of. Among the habitats listed in Annex I of the EU Habitats Directive, most of those which can enhance restoration of semi-natural habitats in the wider landscape. grasslands were once widespread throughout the agricultural landscape in Europe. In total, 16 species listed in the Habitats or Birds directives were present  The Council of Europe European Landscape Convention offers clarification on 2000 and Articles 191 and 11 TFEU, in connection with Directive No 43/1992. Finally, since the greater part of the EU regulatory landscape is not shaped at Is it consistent with the first sentence of Article 27 of Directive 2002/21/EC (1 ) of  Many translated example sentences containing "business landscape" innovation and business, and the EU's diverse cultural landscape makes it the most of plans and projects in particular as provided in Council Directives 85/337/EEC of  av G Michanek · 2018 · Citerat av 9 — The core EU legislation in this context is the Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (  signature Directive due its to different interpretations by Member States lead to cross-border interoperability problems and thus to a segmented EU landscape  av J Deak · 2011 · Citerat av 23 — Available at: http://www.ec.europa.eu; Landscape Ecology FORMAN, R. T. T. and on a proposal for a Floods Directive – Reducing the risks of floods in Europe  The recovery of large carnivores in Europe is a great success for It is an excellent example that humans and carnivores can share the same landscape, Council of Europe's Bern Convention and the EU's habitat directive  last intact forest landscapes in Europe (Potapov et al., 2008), and Directive Annex I, and some additional specialised species selected to. The recovery of large carnivores in Europe is a great success for It is an excellent example that humans and carnivores can share the same landscape, Council of Europe's Bern Convention and the EU's habitat directive  Ramboll Landscape and Urban Planning in Stockholm had the assignment to design the urban spaces around the City Hall, the park and the dockside.

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The European Security Round Table has successfully launched its cyber security platform, the eSRT, with a round table on “The IT security landscape in the  16 Mar 2021 Raul-Angelo Papotti, Paolo Giacometti and Andrea Alcara of Chiomenti explain how the innovative landscape designed by the directive and  for Europe is giving heightened impetus to the global drivers. The implementation of the Second Payment Services Directive.

20 . The NIS directive includes three essential points: • Strengthening cyber security management capabilities in every state of the. European Union. • Increasing the  5 May 2015 Of the 231 habitat types listed in the European Habitats Directive, 41 are associated with low-intensity agricultural management, including semi-  9 Oct 2020 We focus on all field trials carried since 2015 or currently in progress in the EU as the EU Directive 2015/412 is implemented and as CRISPR-cas  19 Oct 2020 The vast majority of protected landscapes across Europe are rated as in poor The EU's habitats directive lists 233 key habitat types, covering  The landscape of EU data protection across the continent is built upon these “ indivisible, universal values,” and are essentially made up of two different EU privacy  25 Feb 2020 In this article though, we provide: the current legal landscape in some of the member states; the latest trends in whistleblowing that might have a  30 Jun 2020 Directive, and the level of protection in the EU is insufficient.