Christine Dyrager joins ChemMedChem's Early-Career


Jonas Fransson – VetKom - Malmö universitets webbportal

18 Mar 2021 Editorial Board Memberships · BMC Bioinformatics (Senior Board Member) · Phytopathology (Senior Editor) · Frontiers in Bioinformatics (Associate  Editorial Board · Associate Editors · Analysis and modelling of complex systems · Comparative genomics · Imaging, image analysis and data visualization The editors of BMC Bioinformatics would like to thank all our reviewers who have Submission Guidelines; Collections; Join the Editorial Board; News;  Welcome to BMC Bioinformatics published by BioMed Central. BMC Bioinformatics is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research  Jiangning is currently an Associate Editor of BMC Bioinformatics (one of the three Frontiers in Bioinformatics, and Editorial Board member of BMC Genomic  Editorial Board. The Editorial Board will soon be added here. For any further information or clarification, please contact the editors by email at BIOPREDYN] From data to models: new bioinformatics methods and tools for Board of BMC Bioinformatics; the Editorial Board of BMC Systems Biology.

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IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Editorial Board member 2004-2008. 2019 - present, Professor, Department of Computer Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology. Associate Editor, BMC Bioinformatics Editorial Review Board Member, Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2011-2018 The Open Bioinformatics Journal Editor-in-Chief: Feng Cheng Editorial Board Members: Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology of Plants Founding Editor, BIOINFORMATION, India. Associate Editor, BMC Bioinformatics, Biomed Central, UK. Director, Biomedical Informatics.

Markus Ringnér - Research Outputs - Lund University

He has maintained a role as statistical genetics consultant to  Editorial Board Member. Scientific Reports.

Bmc bioinformatics editorial board

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Bmc bioinformatics editorial board

Danielle Talbot, BioMed Central, UK. Section Editors. Knowledge-based analysis Karin Verspoor University of Melbourne, Australia. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics Jean-Philippe Vert, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France. Sequence analysis Dr. Kurgan joined the editorial board of BMC Bioinformatics in 2010 and currently he is the Section Editor for structural bioinformatics. BMC Bioinformatics is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the development, testing and novel application of computational and statistical methods for the modeling and analysis of all kinds of biological data, as well as other areas of computational biology. Highlights: March 2021 Editorial Board Editorial Board. Editor Alison Cuff, BMC, Germany.

Publons users have indicated that they sit on BMC Bioinformatics' editorial board but we are unable to verify these claims.
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Associate Editor, BMC Bioinformatics, Biomed Central, UK. Director, Biomedical Informatics. Irulan Sandy Annex. Editorial Board · Blind peer review.

Senior Editorial Board Members Tarek Bismar, University of Calgary, Canada Yanis Boumber, Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, USA Niccola Funel, University of Pisa, Italy List of Editorial Board Members of the journal Current Bioinformatics by Bentham Science Publishers. Senior Editorial Board Members Ian Cameron, University of Sydney, Australia Danan Gu, United Nations, USA Koen Milisen, KU Leuven, Belgium John Tower, University of Southern California, USA Pieter Jelle Visser, Maastricht University, Netherlands Abebaw M Yohannes, Azusa Pacific University, USA. Editorial Board Members Biology and technology Senior Editorial Board Members Bridget Johnston, University of Glasgow, UK Adelais Markaki, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA Pammla Petruka, University of Saskatchewan, Canada Lesley Wilkes, University of Western Sydney, Australia. Editorial Board Members Evidence-based nursing care Elisa Ambrosi, University of Bologna, Italy Abstract. Summary: CD-HIT is a widely used program for clustering biological sequences to reduce sequence redundancy and improve the performance of other sequence analyses.
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Christer Jansson PNNL - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

BMC Bioinformatics already compares very favourably with that of more established journals. This estimated impact factor places BMC Bioinformatics in the top 5% of all journals covered by ISI. Yet an author reviewing the 2003 Journal Citation Report from ISI would have no idea that the journal BMC Bioinformatics was so highly cited.

Christine Dyrager joins ChemMedChem's Early-Career

Bioinformatics has had a very busy and successful 2017. We continue to serve the computational biology community and we thank our authors, reviewers, and readers for the continued support.

For any further information or clarification, please contact the editors by email at BIOPREDYN] From data to models: new bioinformatics methods and tools for Board of BMC Bioinformatics; the Editorial Board of BMC Systems Biology. Special Issues And Sections, Bioinformatics, Meetings, Computational as an associate editor of,BMC Bioinformatics,and is on the editorial board of,Genes,,,In   Get published in a top journal, in 61 days or less with Scientific Editing Services! Our 3 member team of peer reviewers for top journals, senior science editors with   Member of Editorial Board of BMC Bioinformatics and the Scientific Committee of Anaxomics SA. Research interests.