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View daily, weekly or monthly format back to when Seabridge Gold, Inc. stock was issued. Price and Demand indicate flows north or west e.g. TAS to VIC, VIC to NSW, NSW to QLD, VIC to SA. WA data can be viewed on the WEM dashboards. Mobile Broadband Data Costs. >> Read a Price of Broadband Data (1GB mobile prepaid) as % of GNI per capita, 2017 South Africa, 2.50%, 2.35%, 2.48 %. 14 Jun 2018 June 14, 2018 This article is more than 2 years old.

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South Africa’s data costs likely to decrease sharply in 2020 The Competition Commission has given service providers a two-month deadline to decrease their data prices. Put into context of the top 6 biggest African markets, South Africa’s data prices are by far the most expensive – charging $7.60 per GB, compared to the second most expensive, Kenya, at $4.90 SA's mobile data prices are much higher than those of its African peers and a selection of other countries worldwide - with particularly MTN and Vodacom charging higher prices to domestic consumers than they do in other countries, the Competition Commission has found. ICASA's statistics show Rain's "One Plan Package" prepaid mobile data offering costs R50 for 1GB of prepaid data, which is half the price of the next cheapest 1GB from Telkom Mobile, at R100, and SA data prices 'too high and anti-poor' says Competition Commission By Nomahlubi Jordaan - 03 December 2019 - 16:09 The Competition Commission has released a report that shows data prices are You can use our API to pull the latest fuel price or fuel price history data into your website or internal systems in real-time. Some use cases for our API: Show the current fuel price on your website; Use the current fuel price to calculate you fuel usage for your vehicle fleet; Use the historic data to predict the fuel price in the future Once prices were converted to rand and re-based for the cost of living, South Africa was consistently the second most expensive for 1GB, 2GB and 3GB data contracts, with Brazil being the most expensive in all three cases. Data prices for South Africa were on average 134% more expensive than the cheapest prices in the group. Of these 230 countries, South African data costs ranked at 143, with an average of $7.19, contrasted with the cheapest cost found in India of a mere $0.26.

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The country's two leading network pr Russia had the lowest prices at $1.29 in the 500MB data bundles across all three categories.

Last year’s rise was 6,4%. Prices surveys aim, in general, to provide data on consumer prices for goods and services included in the consumer basket and provide data on index numbers of the consumer prices within a time series data.