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ROMAN EMPIRE Antoninus Pius AV Aureus.... - Numismatics

Han betraktas som en av de "fem goda kejsarna" i Nerva-Antonin-dynastin och Aurelii, som ledde  Antoninus Pius. A.D. 138-161. 69. 70. 108. Faustina I (wife).

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Antoninus Pius (Lanuvium, 19 september 86 - 7 maart 161) was keizer van Rome van 138 tot 161 en lid van de invloedrijke Gens Aurelia.. Hij was een van de bekwaamste keizers uit de geschiedenis van het Romeinse rijk en had eerbied voor andermans rechten. Se hela listan på Antoninus Pius blev emellertid långvarigare än väntat på tronen – hela 24 år faktiskt! Men han genomförde inga större omvälvningar under sin tid som kejsare, utan bevarade det han fått från sina föregångare – d.v.s. det romerska riket när det var som störst.

Poster Romersk kejsare Antoninus Pius 86-161AD • Pixers

138-161). Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius Antoninus chose a senatorial career and became consul in A.D. 120, later  Ruler: Antoninus Pius, Emperor of Rome, A.D. 86–161, ruled A.D. 138–161. Honorand: Annia Galeria Faustina, Empress of the Roman Empire, 100–140, ruled  It is frequently assumed that the reign of Antoninus Pius—Titus Aurelius Fulvius Boionius Antoninus, surnamed 'Pius'—was less remarkable than that of Hadrian   Excavations in the Antoninus Pius sanctuary on July 6-12, 2003. Today marks the anniversary of the adoption of Antoninus Pius by the emperor Hadrian, on condition that Pius adopted both Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus.

Antoninus pius

31 bilder, fotografier och illustrationer med Five Good

Antoninus pius

HRE Ferdinand I's 45-Great Grandfather. Poss. Agnes Harris's 38-Great Grandfather.

Antoninus Pius 138-161 e.Kr. Vacker aureus med glansKejsarens lagerkransade högervända byst samt omskriften "ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XX IIII".
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Rome, AD 138. IMP T AEL CAES HADRI ANTONINVS, bare head right / AVG PIVS P M TR P COS DES II, Pietas  TitleAntoninus Pius; DimensionsMått [med sockel]: (h) 54 cm. Sockel: (h) 11 cm. Artist/Maker Artist: Ingen uppgift. CategorySculpture; ClassificationSkulptur  Check 'Antoninus Pius' translations into English.

His most notable achievement was in the field of law which he insisted be administered impartially. In regard to the Jews, and particularly in Judea, Hadrian's harsh policies were repealed. ANTONINUS PIUS [Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius Antoninus], (A.D. 86–161), Roman emperor A.D. 138–161, the son of Aurelius Fulvus, a Roman consul whose family had originally belonged to Nemausus (Nîmes), was born near Lanuvium on the 19th of September 86.
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Rom - Antoninus Pius AS 388681474 ᐈ LundsMynthandel

Learn  Roman Emperor. He was born in 86 AD and raised by his maternal grandfather after his father's early death. He rose to the office of proconsul under the  Greeks,” attributed in different sources to Antoninus Pius or to. Marcus Aurelius. In this the emperor refers to an ongoing series of earthquakes that has caused a   Emperor Antoninus Pius (A.D. 86-138).

Head of an emperor, possibly of Antoninus Pius Europeana

Titus Aurelius Fulvius Boionius Arrius Antoninus  (Titus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius Antoninus) Antoninus Pius served in public offices under Hadrian, with good repute, before being unexpectedly elevated to  Antoninus Pius · A: IMP T AEL CAES ANTONINVS / TRIB POT COS - Diana - 138 AD · B: IMP T AEL CAES ANTONINVS / AVG PIVS PM TRP COS DES II - Aequitas  Also found in: Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to Antoninus Pius: Marcus Aurelius. An·to·ni·nus Pi·us. (  Roman emperor ad 138–161, b. 86, son of Aurēlius Fulvus (consul 89). His mother was daughter of Arrius Antoninus (consul 69 and 97), whose name he bore.

/ Rystedt, Eva. Frusna ögonblick : Essäer tillägnade Anne-Marie Leander Touati . red. / Henrik  of Marcus Cornelius Fronto with Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Lucius Verus, Antoninus Pius, and Various Friends; Volume 1 innan du gör ditt köp. Köp som  Antoninus Pius, Justinus, Galenos, Kejsaren, ett barn med två huvuden tortyrredskap, orm m.m..